Advantages to Plaintiff Attorneys
- In addition to all of the advantages listed for Injured People, you will have served your Client as a Fiduciary by protecting them (and their settlement funds) after the settlement.
- Attorney Fees can be Structured as a way to Defer Compensation, they are income tax-deferred.
- BLANKSettlements will help you get your case settled faster, which will save you time and dollars
- Structured Settlement Quotes and Structured Settlements are free of charge,
- BlankSettlements will attend Mediations, and provide all of the pre-settlement and post-settlement assistance you need for FREE
- You must NOT take constructive receipt of the settlement funds. The settlement funds must flow from Defendant to the Structured Settlement Consultant, with the check made out to the specific Life Insurance Company that will be providing the Structured Settlement.
- The earlier you and your Client begin working with BLANKSettlements the better the outcome will be. We will be able to help with other Medical-legal issues that you most probably have not considered, and it will give us more time to ascertain and construct the best solutions and planning for your Client.